Monday, May 07, 2007

Vinnie 14/02/2007 -7/05/2007

Unfortunately, this is goodbye. The vet called me this morning, and he said to me that this little puppy is really suffering. I have seen this puppy suffering since Wednesday last week. He was almost emaciated, his body was in pain and he had literally been vomiting for 6 days and he was such a small little guy. After seeing the drip in his leg the pipe in his nose, and yesterday a blood transfusion, he's gone through so much. They said they have done everything they could possibly do for him and he is just not responding to the medication and they suggested he get put "to sleep".

Everything inside of me at this point wants to scream, I've come this far with him but I cannot possibly let this little guy suffer anymore, so I have agreed to this. I cannot keep him alive because I want him to be a part of mine and Ali's family.

Little Vinnie, it was a pleasure to know you for such a short time. Thank you for coming into my life, even in that short time you taught me something and I'm setting you free into that better place so that you dont have to suffer anymore.

Luckily Tears have offered to cover all the costs I have incurred which is really nice of them. I just thought I would mention that in this obituary.


Anonymous said...

ag my friend im sorry to hear that. he looks like such a sweet little thing. thinking of u..

Anonymous said...

RIP lil one

Anonymous said...

vinnie i did not know you personally, but you made a very stron positive impression,,,,,,take care vinnie,,,,,,,,,V u were there for him,,lots of love

Anonymous said...

vinnie you live on in the memory of those who knew you, by their love for you and for what they have learned from you.

I am certain that you have gone to a good place as it is the same place where my roobi has gone.
v and ali my condolences.
with love amanda